I used tripod.com a web builder though https://www.lycos.com/ as my web page builder. After reviewing their home
page for the sprezzatura portion of this assignment I found their home page as a wondrous view of sprezzatura. They have everything mapped out for easy use. If you want
to view your mail, the login appears right in front of you when you sign into the page.
They list all the main topics on the side the page for user friendly use. I
thoughts that the person who built this page had many talents for web design, I did view the yahoo news page discussed in
the assignment and found that yahoo has definitely mastered the art of preparing a user friendly web page. If I may add I would like to say that I find the Brevard Community College
web page the opposite of the Yahoo news page, although the person or persons who designed the page have obvious talents I
find the page very hard to maneuver around. I almost always feel frustrated whenever
using the web page to seek information regarding several different subjects. (No
offense to the hard working people of Brevard Community College).